Barbiturate inhibition of lymphocyte function

The effect of phenobarbital, pentobarbital and thiopental at concentrations comparable to those attained during therapeutic barbiturate-induced coma, on in vitro mitogen-induced lymphocyte activation was evaluated. Lymphocytes from normal volunteers were incubated for 72 h in culture medium containing mitogen (phytohemagglutinin) and 5-833 .mu.g/ml of the barbiturates. Three parameters of lymphocyte activation (mitogen-induced blast transformation, 3H-thymidine incorporation and cell proliferation) were all suppressed by the barbiturates. The suppression was dose-dependent. The greatest suppression was caused by the short-acting barbiturate, thiopental. Lymphocyte responses were much less affected by the long-acting barbiturate, pentobarbital. The intermediate-acting barbiturate, pentobarbital, was also intermediate in its ability to inhibit lymphocyte activation. The 2- to 3-fold difference between the effects of thiopental and pentobarbital on lymphocyte function may have direct clinical relevance, since these 2 agents are primarily employed to induce therapeutic barbiturate coma. Since lymphocyte suppression appears to be much more marked in the presence of thiopental, other barbiturates should probably be used to induce coma.