Detection of Bluetongue Virus in Bovine Fetuses Using the Avidin-Biotin Complex Immunoperoxidase Method

The avidin-biotin complex immunoperoxidase technique was adapted for use in detecting bluetongue virus (BTV) antigens in BTV serotype 1l-infected bovine fetuses. Fetuses were infected with BTV serotype 11 at 120 days of gestation and then removed 20 days later by Cesarean section. Blood and tissue samples were collected from each animal and used for virus isolation in embryonated chicken eggs, the immunofluorescent antibody test, and the avidin-biotin complex test. The avidin-biotin complex method successfully identified BTV antigens in both fresh and autolyzed fetal brains. Thus, the avidin-biotin complex immunoperoxidase method has potential as a possible procedure for diagnosing bluetongue disease in aborted bovine fetuses.