Novel very sensitive analytical technique for compositional analysis of Hg1−xCdxTe epilayers

This letter reports a novel analytical method using negative secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) of the Te matrix element with a Cs primary ion beam to analyze and determine the composition in HgCdTe epilayers with a high sensitivity (better than Δx of 0.0015) and a depth resolution determined by SIMS. The method is based on matrix‐induced ion yield variations in the Te signal observed in SIMS. The correlation between the Te secondary ion yield and Cd mole fraction is a linear function. The material composition can be calculated by this technique when the Te yield profile is known provided that the composition of any two layers of the structure are known, or the structure contains a CdTe layer, for which case composition of no Hg1−xCdxTe layer is needed.

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