Uniaxial ferromagnetism in NiZrF6·6H2O

NiZrF6·6H2O crystallizes in the trigonal NiSnCl6·6H2O structure with one trigonally distorted [Ni(H2O)6]2+ complex per unit cell. We have measured χ and χ for this salt between 0.05 and 4.2 K and Cp in zero field and in H=2000 Oe between 0.09 and 4.2 K. The susceptibilities are those of a uniaxial ferromagnet with the easy axis along the trigonal direction and TC0.16 K. Cp(H=0) exhibits a sharp cooperative peak at TC=0.164±0.002 K and a Schottky anomaly with CmaxR0.24 and Tmax1.5 K. Thus, the A2g3 ground state of [Ni(H2O)6]2+ is split into a lower doublet and an upper singlet separated by 3k and the ionic moments are Ising-like near TC. Cp(H=2 kOe) shows two overlapping rounded anomalies. The data are well described by an Oguchi model in which pairs of spins are treated exactly and their interaction with the rest of the crystal is represented by a mean field. The pair Hamiltonian is H=D(Szi2+Szj2)2JSi·Sj+gμB(Si+