Kwapinski, J. B. (University of New England, Armidale, N.S.W., Australia). Antigenic structure ofActinomycetales. VI. Serological relationships between antigenic fractions ofActinomycesandNocardia. J. Bacteriol.86:179–186. 1963.—A total of 52 chemical fractions were obtained by a comprehensive technique of preparation from three strains ofActinomycesand three strains ofNocardia. The chemical and serological structures and specificities of disintegrated cells, cell walls, cytoplasms, and individual fractions were thoroughly studied. Cytoplasmic materials were found to be serologically alike or identical. The polysaccharide fractions, extracted from cell walls with alkali, formamide, and phenol, proved to be serologically related. Fractions prepared from theNocardiaby extractions in hot and concentrated solutions of acetic acid and sodium hydroxide, as well as the second protein fraction and the acetate-extracted polysaccharides of both theNocardiaandActinomyces, proved to be genus-specific.