A Sensitivity Analysis for Radiative Heat Transfer in a Pulverized Coal-Fired Furnace

An analysis is presented for the radiative transfer in a pulverized coal-fired furnace. The third order spherical harmonics approximation is used to model the radiative transfer equation (RTE) in an axisymmetric, cylindrical furnace. To account for the highly forward scattering of radiation by the particles, such as pulverized coal, char, and fly-ash, the delta-Eddington phase function approximation is employed. The temperature distribution in the medium is assumed to be given in order to decouple the RTE from the flow field and energy equations. To gain understanding of the radiative transfer in pulverized coal-fired furnaces, extensive parametric studies have been performed by changing the temperature distribution as well as the spatial and spectral radiative properties of the medium, i.e., extinction coefficient, single scattering albedo, and phase function parameters. The results of calculations are presented in graphical form and are compared with some published experimental results.