Provision of mouth care by nursing staff for cancer patients in Scotland: Current status and the role of training

Oral disease is common in patients with cancer and mouth care is an important element of palliative care. Responsibility for provision of this care usually falls to nursing staff. This study aimed to determine the level of mouth care provided by nurses for patients with cancer in Scottish hospices and in the community within Scotland, and to assess the value of a training pack in oral disease and oral care. Fifteen hospices, 52 Macmillan nurses and 112 district nurses were invited to participate. Responses to an initial questionnaire confirmed the important role of nurses in providing mouth care, but highlighted significant deficiencies in training, particularly for district nurses, and a lack of formal protocols in this area. There was little interaction with professional dental staff. Training packs, including clinical photographs and simple mouth care protocols were sent to 15 hospices, 20 Macmillan nurses and 45 district nurses. A follow-up questionnaire six weeks later showed that the packs had been very well received and had resulted in significant changes to mouth care practices of many of the users. However, 34% of the respondents felt that further training would still be beneficial.