Radiation Damage in Patients Treated by Total-Body Irradiation, Bone Marrow Grafting, and Cyclosporin

The bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB) from 63 patients were assessed for the presence of chromosomal aberrations after bone marrow transplantation (BMT) following total body irradiation (TBI) for leukemia. Forty-one patients showed no abnormalities in either BM or PB, and 22 had aberrations in either BM or PB or both. Only stable aberrations were found in the BM, but both stable and unstable abnormalities were present in the PB, the majority showing only unstable aberrations. Among the 25 patients who had a leukemic relapse, clonal chromosomal abnormalities were found in the BM of 12 out of the 16 cases for whom marrow was studied at the time of the relapse. A statistically significant negative correlation between leukemic relapse and graft versus host disease (GvHD) was found, but the relationships between chromosome damage and leukemic relapse, GvHD, and the pretransplant radiation dose and between the radiation dose and both leukemic relapse and GvHD were not significant.