Cell-marker studies in CLL with monoclonal OKT antisera and lactic dehydrogenase isoenzyme analysis

In 16 patients with B-type CLL, the T and B cell compartment was analysed using the monoclonal anti-T-cell antisera OKT1, 3, 4 and 8 and the lactic dehydrogenase enzyme marker. Pertinent findings were: the presence on the CLL cells in 15 out of 16 patients of the antigen determined by the OKT1 antiserum, and, in all patients, a lower total LDH content on a per cell basis combined with a higher percentage-activity in the LDH-3 band as compared to the normal B-cell. Furthermore, the T-cell compartment was also disturbed in these patients, as the ratio of OKT4+ to OKT8+ cells was significantly depressed accompanied by a significant decrease of the LDH-1 percentage-activity in favour of LDH-3 and 4. These findings argue for the B-cell being immature and confirm the recent evidence that the T-cell compartment is changed in B-CLL.