Knee Extension and its Relationship to the Slope of the Intercondylar Roof

This study determined that knee extension (range, -30° to 2°) and the slope of the intercondylar roof (range, 26° to 46°) vary widely between knees in both men and women. We found a weak relationship between knee extension and the slope of the intercondylar roof (r2 = 0.207); therefore, roof angle cannot be predicted by clinically measuring knee extension. Clinical relevance: A knee with a given degree of ex tension can have a variety of different slopes to the in tercondylar roof. Knees with the combination of hyper extension and a vertically oriented slope to the intercondylar roof are "unforgiving" because they re quire a more posterior position for the tibial tunnel to avoid roof impingement and an extensive roofplasty. If the surgical objective is to minimize the extent of the roofplasty and avoid roof impingement, then consider ation should be given to customizing the placement of the tibial tunnel to account for variability in knee exten sion and roof angle when reconstructing the anterior cruciate ligament. Studies have shown that isometric graft placement can be achieved with this surgical approach.