A Further Study of Effects of Vacuum Level and Milking Duration on Udder Health and Milk Production

Six Holstein and 6 Guernsey cows, free from mastitis in a 2-wk. standardizing period while being milked at 13.5 in. vacuum, were used in a comparison to determine effects of vacuum level and milking duration on udder health and milk production. They were milked at a vacuum of 10 or 17 in. for a duration of normal, twice normal, or 4 normal over a 6-wk. period. No significant effects of vacuum level on leukocyte count, chloride values, presence of mastitis organisms, or milk production were noted. In contrast, higher leukocyte and chloride values indicated irritation to the udder that was attributed to excessive milking duration. The cows on twice normal and 4 normal dropped off more rapidly in milk production when first placed on treatment but were somewhat more persistent later in the trial.