Scanning tunneling microscopic images show a laminated structure for glycogen molecules

Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been used to examine glycogen molecules. Individual molecules were approximately ellipsoidal with dimensions in the 20- to 60-nm range. Images of the glycogen molecular surfaces have a laminar appearance. The layered features seen on the surfaces of the molecules suggest that glycogen may grow from one edge as a laminar structure to form an ellipsoid rather than originating at a central point with radial growth of the oligosaccharide chains to form a sphere. The results of these studies indicate that STM can be used to determine details of polysaccharide structures.— Yang, X.; Miller, M. A.; Yang, R.; Evans, D. F.; Edstrom, R. D. Scanning tunneling microscopic images show a laminated structure for glycogen molecules. FASEB J. 4: 3140-3143; 1990.