Aminina Nud Mulumuluna (“You Gotta Look After Yourself”): Evaluation of the use of traditional art in health promotion for Aboriginal people in the Kimberley region of Western Australia

This research documents an evaluation of preventive health resources developed for Aboriginal people in the west Kimberley region. The project was a collaboration between The Jean Hailes Foundation for Women and Aboriginal and non‐Aboriginal health workers, educators and artists from Looma, Pandanus Park, Derby and Mowanjum. Traditional art and language provided a basis for cultural identity and imparting modern health knowledge. Two health booklets and a video (Aminina Nud Mulumuluna – “You Gotta Look After Yourself” and Wungai Ngunga – “Women's Business”) were produced. Qualitative research suggests that the resources were well accepted, fostered health discussions and contributed to the pride and self‐esteem of local people. Collaboration and the integration of traditional and modern health knowledge contributed to a contemporary view of Aboriginal health.