Lifetime Measurements of Low-Lying States ofP33

Proton-γ coincidence techniques have been used to measure, by the Doppler-shift attenuation method, the lifetimes of the nine bound states of P33 below 4.3-MeV excitation energy, via the P31(t, pγ)P83 reaction, at triton bombarding energies of 2.5 and 3.1 MeV. More accurate excitation energies have also been obtained for these states. For the first nine excited states in P33 the measurements lead to the following energies (keV) and lifetimes (psec): 1431.5±0.3 (0.60±0.10), 1847.3±0.3 (0.80±0.15), 2537.6±0.5 (0.070±0.012), 3275.5±1.0 (0.21±0.04), 3490.2±1.0 (0.11±0.02), 3626.6±1.0 (0.17±0.08), 4048±1 (0.085±0.030), 4194±3 (0.15±0.05), and 4225±1 (0.39±0.10). The decay modes and branching ratios for these states have also been measured. These results restrict the spin and parity of the listed states (MeV) to the following assignments (Jπ):3.28 (32, 52+), 3.63 (72+), 4.05 (52(+)), 4.19 (52+). For some transitions better limits have been set on the δ mixing ratios previously measured. The P33 spectrum obtained is compared to other results and to applicable shell-model calculations.

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