Tetragonal to monoclinic transition in the metallic antiferromagnetPr0.5Sr0.5MnO3

The structural changes associated with the ferromagnetic (FM)/metallic to antiferromagnetic (AFM)/insulating transition of Pr1/2Sr1/2MnO3(I4/mcmP21/n) are described in detail. Based on high-resolution neutron-diffraction data, in the P21/n phase Mn1 and Mn2 octahedra have the same charge and are identically deformed. The electronically induced transition to the antiferromagnetic A-type structure at TN is the result of a stretchinglike distortion of the octahedra that (i) contracts the Mn-O2 bond perpendicular to the FM planes by deviating β from 90° and (ii) injects electrons into Mn-O1 and Mn-O3 bonds. The observed microscopic changes are completely different to the structural transition in the A-type LaMnO3 and are discussed in the light of the orbital polarization previously proposed.