Red-winged blackbird predation on periodical cicadas (Cicadidae: Magicicada spp.): bird behavior and cicada responses

Predation by red-winged blackbirds Agelaius phoeniceus L. on 13-year periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.) and reactions by periodical cicadas to predators were studied during emergence of Brood XIX during summer of 1985 in northwestern Arkansas (USA). Emergences of periodical cicadas are classic examples of predator satiation due to high local densities of cicadas and birds are the major predators of adult periodical cicadas. Reactions of periodical cicadas to predators were assessed by recording behaviors exhibited by cicadas when approached in trees by a human hand during the 3-week period of peak adult densitics. Most male cicadas made a noise in association with escape behaviors when approached, and 50% of the females, which are silent, attempted escape behaviors. Observations of predation attempts on cicadas by red-winged blackbirds were made during the period of peak predation pressure. Red-winged blackbirds spent less time searching for cicadas over that 2-week period of increasing predation pressure, and became increasingly efficient at capturing cicadas. Handling time of cicadas by red-winged blackbirds increased by about 20 seconds over that period, as blackbirds spent more time consuming female cicadas. The flysquawk response, used only by male cicadas, was effective in deterring red-winged blackbirds; only 5% of the attacks by blackbirds were successful when that behavior was exhibited. All cicadas that remained motionless and silent when approached by blackbirds were captured and consumed. Because females remained inactive when approached more often than did males, blackbirds may have consumed more female cicadas. Changes that appeared in reactions of preiodical cicadas to the model predator and to the attacks of blackbirds reflect both changes in the sex ratio of the cicada populations and changes in behaviors of cicadas associated with mating and egg laying. The loud noise made by male periodical cicadas at mating centers did not appear to deter predation by blackbirds. Changes in the behavior of blackbirds that appeared to be in association with greater predation on female periodical cicadas relates directly to aspects of foraging theory, particularly predictions concerning more selective foraging during periods of abundant food resources.