Production of a Higgs boson plus two jets in hadronic collisions

We consider the production of a standard model Higgs boson accompanied by two jets in hadronic collisions. We work in the limit that the top quark is much heavier than the Higgs boson and use an effective Lagrangian for the interactions of gluons with the Higgs boson. In addition to the previously computed four-gluon process, we compute the amplitudes involving two quarks, two gluons, and the Higgs boson and those involving four quarks and the Higgs boson. We exhibit the form of our results in the small-pH and factorization limits. We present numerical results for S=14 TeV and S=2 TeV. We find that the dominant processes are ggggH and qgqgH with the former (latter) contributing about 60% (40%) of the cross section at S=14 TeV and the two processes each contributing about half the cross section at S=2 TeV. All other processes are negligible at both energies.