Magneto-optical Faraday effect of porous films comprised of cobalt-substituted barium ferrite fine particles dispersed in a resin

The magneto‐optical Faraday effect of porous films comprised of cobalt‐substituted barium ferrite (Co:BaM) fine particles fixed by a resin was investigated. The films were prepared by spin‐on process of a magnetic ink involving Co:BaM particles on glass substrates. Porous films were formed when the particle concentration of the ink, f, was low, i.e., f<0.3, and the coated ink was dried while applying a dc magnetic field normal to the substrate plane. The pit size became bigger when the coated ink was thicker, or the field was stronger. The Faraday effect of the films underwent a drastic change caused by the formation of a porous structure. The Faraday rotation spectrum exhibited dispersion‐type behavior and its center wavelength was shifted toward longer wavelength with increasing pit dimension. Rotation angle enhancement was observed, which is considered to be caused by the mode modulation of light due to the existence of the pits.