Inheritance of autumn frost hardiness in Pinus sylvestris L. seedlings

Inheritance of frost hardiness was analysed making use of a 12×12 incomplete factorial mating design. Owing to space limitations only 59 families could be tested in four experiments. To link the four experiments, some families were common to two or more experiments. The seedlings were grown in climate chambers under conditions inducing autumn hardening. The plants were exposed to a freezing temperature of −10 °C for three hours at night lengths of 11–13 h. A statistical model was developed for analyses of variance of our data. The genetic variation and the variation due to the cultivation regimes during autumn hardening were of the same magnitude. The additive effects were the most important ones for induction of frost damage. No interaction following long-distance crossing was noted. Mixed model equations were used for ranking of the parents. The results obtained support a polygenic inheritance of frost hardiness. The large within-population variation offers good opportunities for hardiness breeding.