Preliminary calculations of the age‐specific birth rate for wild female chimpanzees were based on demographic records from a long‐term study at Bossou, Republic of Guinea. Primiparous age was 12‐14 years. Birth rate for a female reached a peak of 0.333 a year at 20‐23 years, and then decreased until menopause at more than 40 years of age. Mean birth rate for a female of more than 12 years was 0.197 a year. Mean interbirth interval was 4.6 years overall, but 5.1 years, if all cases in which the previous infant had died within its first three years were excluded. Infant survival rate for the first four years was 0.727 and that of juveniles (four to seven years) was 0.714; however, that of adolescents (eight to 11 years) was only 0.222. Some adolescents who disappeared from Bossou are thought to have migrated to adjacent habitats. From age‐specific birth rate and survival rate, the lifetime reproductive success was calculated as only 0.74 offspring per female. This rose to 2.39 when adolescent survival rate was assumed to be the same as that of juveniles. This must be less than the minimum reproductive success required for continued survival of the population. The recent and continuing degradation of the environment will lead to the extermination of this species from the area in the near future.