A test is described for the quantitative estimation of epinephrine and related sympathomimetic amines having a catechol nucleus. With the aid of this test it was found that epinephrine, "Cobefrin," and "Epinine" administered orally were excreted in a conjugated form. None of the compds. appeared as such in the urine. The 24 hr. recovery from acid hydrolyzed urine when "Epinine" and "Cobefrin" were administered orally to man was from 556-71.5% and 59.7-93.2% of the dose of the respective compds. The excretion of the conjugated form of these agents was essentially independent of the mode of adm. When tyramine or "Paredrine" was administered orally no free or conjugated catechol derivatives appeared in the urine. Whereas epinephrine, "Epinine" and "Cobefrin" are rapidly oxidized in vitro by phenol oxidase and epinephrine and "Epinine," but not "Cobefrin," are oxidized in vitro by amine oxidase it appears that the principal mode of in-activation when these compds. are administered orally is by way of conjugation.

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