Laser studies of near-resonant state-changing collisions of calcium (4s6s1S0) with the rare gases

State-changing collisions of Ca(4s6s 1 S0) with the rare gases are studied by pulsed laser excitation and time- and wavelength-resolved detection. The total depletion rates of the 4s6s 1 S0 state with different rare gases vary by over a factor 10, with the lighter rare gases being markedly more efficient than the heavier ones. Relative branching ratios to the specific near-resonant, energy-transfer product states, 4p4p 1 D2 (ΔE=-29 cm1), 3d4p 1 F3 (ΔE=152 cm1), and 4s6s 3 S1 (ΔE=216 cm1), are measured for He3, He4, Ne, and Xe. Transfer to the D21 state is always the major relaxation pathway. The rate constant for S13 production is immeasurably small, implying a small spin-orbit matrix element for curve crossing that leads to a spin change. The results for 4p4p 1 D2 production are compared with simple theoretical calculations based on established models for near-resonant energy transfer between states which are coupled at large internuclear distance. These models successfully explain the dominant transfer to the 4p4p 1 D2 state and the trends with rare gas, which are attributed largely to enhancement of the near-resonant-transfer process with increasing velocity. The effects of wave-function mixing in the isolated atom (e.g., spin mixing) on the general outcome of state-changing collisions in two-electron atoms are discussed. Two-electron atoms offer numerous possibilities for further testing of theories of near-resonant energy transfer.