• 18 March 2004
We show that both small mixing in the quark sector and large mixing in the lepton sector can be obtained from a simple assumption of universality of Yukawa couplings and the right-handed neutrino Majorana mass matrix in the leading order. We discuss conditions under which bi-large mixing in the lepton sector is achieved with a minimal amount of fine tuning requirements for possible models. From the knowledge of the solar and atmospheric mixing angles we determine allowed values of sin \theta_{13}. If embedded into grand unified theories the third generation Yukawa coupling unification is a generic feature while masses of the first two generations of charged fermions depend on small perturbations. In the neutrino sector, the heavier two neutrinos are model dependent, while the mass of the lightest neutrino in this approach does not depend on perturbations in the leading order. The right-handed neutrino mass scale can be identified with the GUT scale in which case the mass of the lightest neutrino is given as (m_{top}^2/M_{GUT}) sin^2 \theta_{23} sin^2 \theta_{12} in the limit sin \theta_{13} = 0. Discussing symmetries we make a connection with hierarchical models and show that the basis independent characteristic of this scenario is a strong dominance of the third generation right-handed neutrino, M_1, M_2 << 10^{-4} M_3, M_3 = M_{GUT}.

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