Macrophage colony-stimulating factor stimulates survival and chemotactic behavior in isolated osteoclasts.

Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) is known to play an important role in osteoclast formation. However, its actions on mature cells have not been fully characterized. We now report that M-CSF dramatically stimulates osteoclastic motility and spreading; osteoclasts responded to a gradient of M-CSF with orientation, and random cell polarization occurred after isotropic exposure. M-CSF also supported the survival of osteoclasts by preventing apoptosis. Paradoxically, M-CSF inhibits bone resorption by isolated osteoclasts. We found that this was effected predominantly by reduction in the number of excavations. Thus, M-CSF showed a propensity to suppress resorption through a reduction in the proportion of cells that were resorbing bone. Our data suggest that apart from the established role of M-CSF in the provision of precursors for osteoclastic induction, a major role for M-CSF in bone resorption is to enhance osteoclastic survival, migration, and chemotaxis. It seems appropriate that during these processes resorptive functions should be suppressed. We suggest that M-CSF continues to modulate osteoclastic activity once osteoclasts are on resorptive sites, through regulation of the balance between resorption and migration, such that not only the quantity, but the spatial pattern of resorption can be controlled by adjacent M-CSF-secreting cells of osteoblastic lineage.