Intensity distribution amongst various orders of the diffraction spectrum produced by ultrasonic-wave grating is obtained by extending the Brillouin's theory [Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles, No. 59 (1933)]. Numerical computation is performed by using the values of the expansion coefficients of the Mathieu functions and their characteristic values as obtained from “Tables Relating to Mathieu Functions” prepared by the National Bureau of Standards (Columbia Univ. Pr. 1951). Computations up to θ=6.25 is possible by using this table, while the original Brillouin theory is valid for θ\lesssim0.1. Here θ=n 0δn 0\varLambda22, where n 0 is the index of refraction of the medium and δn 0 its variation in the sound field, and \varLambda and λ are the wavelength of sound and light, respectively.

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