Measurement of boron impurity profiles in Si using glow discharge optical spectroscopy

Glow discharge optical spectroscopy (GDOS) has been applied to the measurement of impurity profiles in boron‐diffused and ion‐implanted Si samples. The GDOS technique provides a convenient and sensitive probe of boron impurity profiles; results are presented for concentrations below 5×1017 cm−3. For a Si sample which has been subjected to a 1‐h constant source boron diffusion at 1100°C, the measured profile exhibited enhanced diffusion effects typical of previously reported results measured by other techniques. Similarly, a sample implanted with 120‐keV B+ ions to a fluence of 1014 cm−2 exhibited a typical boron distribution. The position of the measured peak concentration corresponded well with that predicted by theory, and the implanted distribution exhibited a prominent tail as reported from other measurements.