Derivation of three-body collision-induced light-scattering spectrum moments for argon, krypton, xenon

The expressions for the zeroth and second moments of the three-body component of the collision-induced light-scattering spectrum are derived within the pair-potential and pair-polarizability approximations. Computer calculation of the three-dimensional integrals which appear in the moment expressions is performed for Lennard-Jones and Barker potentials of argon, krypton and xenon within the dipole-induced-dipole approximation for the pair-polarizability. The comparison of the results which are obtained with the two different potentials shows the very important role which is played by the choice of the potential in the determination of the values of the moments. An example of the applicability of the moment analysis of the three-body spectrum is also given for argon and the results compared with those of two-body.