Riemannian geometry and the thermodynamics of model magnetic systems

A Riemannian metrical structure of the parameter space has been introduced and investigated for magnetic systems described in the framework of quantum statistics. The introduced metric is based on the conception of the relative information. Two contrasting models have been investigated in detail: the one-dimensional Ising model, with short-range interactions, and the mean-field model of Kac, with long-range interactions. In the second case the metric tensor degenerates. The degeneration has been removed by adding the lattice energy to the original magnetic Hamiltonian. It turns out that in both cases the scalar curvature of parameter space tends toward plus infinity while approaching the critical points. The inverse of the scalar curvature, given by the second and third moments of stochastic variables, has been interpreted as a measure of the stability of the considered magnetic systems. The scalar curvature represents a joint part of fluctuations caused by the interactions of spins.