Search for Gluinos and Squarks Using Like-Sign Dileptons in pp¯ Collisions at s=1.8 TeV

We present results of the first search for like-sign dilepton ( e±e±, e±μ±, μ±μ±) events associated with multijets and large missing energy using 106pb1 of data in pp¯ collisions at s=1.8TeV collected during 1992–1995 by the CDF experiment. Finding no events that pass our selection, we examine pair production of gluinos ( g̃) and squarks ( q̃) in a constrained framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. At tanβ=2 and μ=800GeV/c2, we set 95% confidence level limits of Mg̃>221GeV/c2 for Mg̃Mq̃, and Mg̃>168GeV/c2 for Mq̃Mg̃, both with small variation as a function of μ.