Study of Nitrogen Implanted in Aluminum at Various Doses

Experimental and theoretical studies are carried out to understand transport of nitrogen in aluminum during implantation process. 60 keV and 120 keV N2 + ion are implanted in pure Al substrates at doses ranging from l×l017 to 9×l017 N-atoms per cm2. RBS and Glancing angle XRD studies are carried out. RBS studies show that the depth profiles are gaussian in nature at low doses and gradually become rectangular in shape as the dose increases. XRD analysis reveals that AlN is formed even at low doses. Theoretical simulations of depth profiles at low dose, include displacement mixing and radiation enhanced diffusion, which are modelled to be described by a diffusion like process. Effective diffusion coefficient in radiation environment is found to be equal to 8×l0−16 cm2.sec−1. At high doses, when new N-atoms are added during implantation their transport gets linked with the already formed AlN. This leads to a rectangular shape of depth profiles observed at high doses.

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