Effects on stratospheric ozone and temperature during the Maunder Minimum

The period of low solar activity between 1645 and 1715, known as the Maunder Minimum, corresponds to a period in which the ultraviolet spectral irradiance was significantly smaller than found in the current atmosphere [Lean et al., 1995a]. In this study, we use our two‐dimensional chemical‐radiative‐transport model of the global atmosphere to examine the effect of this reduced solar flux on the distribution of stratospheric ozone and temperature relative to that normally expected for the pre‐industrial atmosphere. A decrease in total global ozone of about 3% was determined for the Maunder Minimum period. Lean et al. [1995b] have examined the implications of the direct solar irradiance effects on climate during that period. The changes in stratospheric ozone may further have influenced the radiative forcing on climate during that period. In addition, such events are lilely to happen again with resulting decreases in ozone.