Effects of Difluhenzuron and Penfluron on Viability of House Fly Eggs12

14C-labeled diflubenzuron or penfluron injected into female Musca domestica L. was deposited without degradation in the flies’ eggs; as a result, hatch and F1 emergence were reduced. Eggs containing 10 pg/egg of either compound hatched normally but eggs containing ca. 680 pg/egg of diflubenzuron or 370 pg/egg of penfluron did not hatch. At equal doses, more penfluron than diflubenzuron was deposited in eggs, but the residues of both compounds increased with the dose and decreased in successive egg batches. The practical usefulness of this type of reproduction inhibitor apparently depends not only on its intrinsic activity but also on its metabolic and excretion charactetics.