Quasi-Elastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering and Neutron Form Factors

The cross section for inelastic electron-deuteron scattering has been measured in the four-momentum transfer region corresponding to q2=0.389 to 6.81 (BeV/c)2 (q2=10 to 175 F2). The impulse approximation was used in the form given by Durand to interpret the deuteron cross sections as the sum of free-proton and free-neutron scattering cross sections. Using elastic electron-proton scattering cross sections obtained with a hydrogen target and using the Rosenbluth equation, neutron form factors were obtained at q2=0.389, 0.623, 0.857, 1.17, and 1.75 (BeV/c)2. Upper limits on the form factors were extracted from the q2=2.92, 3.89, and 6.81 (BeV/c)2 data. No evidence for possible core terms was found in either form factor.