Mass-Balance Model of Pulmonary Oxygen Transport

A dynamic lumped-parameter model for pulmonary gas transport has been developed to characterize the lung and predict the effect of various parameter changes. The gas side of the lung is modeled as a series and parallel arrangement of five perfectly mixed, variable-volume compartments that correspond roughly to airway and alveolar regions. The blood side of the lung is modeled as a series of perfectly mixed, constant-volume compartments that represent the pulmonary capillary bed. From nonsteady mass balances, equations are derived which yield the time course of concentration for each compartment. Model simulations indicate that the oxygen-hemoglobin reaction does not reach equilibrium in the pulmonary capillaries, an assumption commonly made in analyses of pulmonary oxygen transport. Simulations also show the extent to which breathing amplitude and rate can affect the oxygen level in the blood leaving the lung. A comparison of simulations for a normal state and chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD) with identical input conditions demonstrates that the oxygen level in the blood leaving the lung is much lower in COLD. Also, the simulations are compared with experimental findings.