The eigenvalue problem for two particles interacting through the potential being the superposition of the attractive Coulomb potential (-A/r) and the Yukawa potential B exp(-Cr)/r of arbitrary strength B and screening parameter C is solved by variational means. The energy levels Enl for the states 1s through 7i are calculated as functions of B and C. It is shown that for a given principal quantum number n the energy eigenvalues increase (decrease) with increasing azimuthal quantum number l if the Yukawa potential is attractive (repulsive), i.e., for l>l’: EnlEnl if B<0, and EnlEnl if B>0. It leads to the crossing of the energy levels with n≥2. For B>0 the levels with larger n and l become lower than those with smaller n and l, e.g., E3d<E2s, E4f<E2s, and E4f<E3p. For B<0 and certain intervals of C the levels with larger n but smaller l lie below those with smaller n and larger l, e.g., E4s<E3d, E5s<E4f, and E5p<E4f. The values of B and C for which the lowest-energy levels cross over are estimated. Moreover, the splitting of the 2s and 2p levels (the Lamb shift) is discussed.