A classical d=3 anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet is studied in the presence of magnetic fields which are either uniform (H) or staggered (H+) along the easy axis or uniform (H) perpendicular to it. Ground-state properties (T=0) are determined exactly while the behavior at nonzero temperatures is obtained from first-order spin-wave theory. Extensive data are obtained from Monte Carlo simulations on L×L×L simple cubic lattices with periodic boundary conditions and nearest-neighbor coupling with JJ=0.8. The phase diagram in HT space agrees well with the predictions of renormalization-group theory. The behavior very near zero temperature agrees with the spin-wave predictions, but deviations are found at surprisingly low temperatures. In HH+T space the spin-flop phase spreads out into two "horns" (for H+>0 and H+<0) instead of the "bubble" suggested earlier. The substantial hysteresis which we observe at the spin-flop boundary is attributed to relaxation effects. The ways in which first-order phase transitions may be found using the Monte Carlo method are discussed.