Formation of Estrogens by Hydatidiform Moles in Vitro

Estrone-C14 and estradiol-C14 were produced in high yields by vesicles of hyditidiform moles incubated with dehydroepiandrosterone-4-C14 and pregnenolone-7a-3H. In contrast, DL-(5-3h) mevalonate was not converted into sterols, cholesterol or estrogens. The experimental findings indicate that hydatiform moles, like term placentas, can utilize dehydroepiandro-sterone as a precursor of estrone and estradiol and lack the enzymes to convert C21 to C19 steroids. The evidence from these experiments is consistent with the hypothesis that urinary estriol in patients with hydatidiform moles, as in nonpregnant women, is derived primarily from the metabolism of estrone and estradiol in the maternal compartment.