Targeting of the Gi2α Gene in es cells with Replacement and Insertion Vectors

Five replacement vectors (RV) and one insertion vector (IV) were constructed in which ca. 10 kb of genomic Gi2 alpha sequence, flanked on one (IV) or both (RV) sides by a thymidine kinase (TK) marker, were disrupted by a Neo marker inserted into the NcoI site of exon 3. G418RFIAUR clones corresponding to ca. 4 x 10(8) ES cells electroporated with replacement vectors were analyzed and revealed no targeting event. The insertion vector, however, was integrated by a single reciprocal recombination resulting in a duplication of homology (Hit step; G418RFIAUS), which was lost--together with the plasmid and the TK sequences--by intrachromosomal recombination (Run step; G418RFIAUR). Thus, the Hit and Run strategy can be used with a selectable marker disrupting the targeted gene, giving rise to the same targeted product that would have been expected to arise from a double crossover with a replacement vector.