Sequence versus Structure for the Direct Detection of 16S rRNA on Planar Oligonucleotide Microarrays

A two-probe proximal chaperone detection system consisting of a species-specific capture probe for the microarray and a labeled, proximal chaperone probe for detection was recently described for direct detection of intact rRNAs from environmental samples on oligonucleotide arrays. In this study, we investigated the physical spacing and nucleotide mismatch tolerance between capture and proximal chaperone detector probes that are required to achieve species-specific 16S rRNA detection for the dissimilatory metal and sulfate reducer 16S rRNAs. Microarray specificity was deduced by analyzing signal intensities across replicate microarrays with a statistical analysis-of-variance model that accommodates well-to-well and slide-to-slide variations in microarray signal intensity. Chaperone detector probes located in immediate proximity to the capture probe resulted in detectable, nonspecific binding of nontarget rRNA, presumably due to base-stacking effects. Species-specific rRNA detection was achieved by using a 22-nt capture probe and a 15-nt detector probe separated by 10 to 14 nt along the primary sequence. Chaperone detector probes with up to three mismatched nucleotides still resulted in species-specific capture of 16S rRNAs. There was no obvious relationship between position or number of mismatches and within- or between-genus hybridization specificity. From these results, we conclude that relieving secondary structure is of principal concern for the successful capture and detection of 16S rRNAs on planar surfaces but that the sequence of the capture probe is more important than relieving secondary structure for achieving specific hybridization.