Fission of odd-Aand doubly odd actinide nuclei induced by direct reactions

Fission probability distributions have been measured using (d,pf), (t,pf), (He3,df), (He3,αf), and (t,αf) reactions to excite a variety of odd-A and odd-odd actinide nuclei. Fission of the residual nuclei Th229,231, Pa231,232,233, Np234,235,236,237,238,239, Pu241, Am240,241,243,245,247, Cm249, and Bk249 was studied. These results and other data available from previous (d,pf), (t,pf), and (n,f) studies are analyzed with a statistical model to obtain estimates of the heights and curvatures of one or both peaks of the double humped fission barrier. Estimates of barrier parameters are obtained for the above nuclei and for Th233, U235,237,239, Pu239,243,245, Am242,244, Cm245,247, and Cf253....