Composition of Rat Seminal Vesicles and Effects of Testosterone Propionate on Lipid distribution.

In sexually immature rats (wt. 77 g.) the seminal vesicles weighed 2.1 mg. (dry wt.) and contained 0.3 mg. total N and 0.1 mg. lipid, and in sexually mature animals (wt. 386 g.) they weighed 394 mg. with 59.5 mg. N and 4.7 mg. lipid. A diffuse cytoplasmic sudanophilia was observed in the columnar epithelium of the seminal vesicles of sexually mature males. Following castration there was a marked accumulation of lipid in the basal end of the cuboidal cells. The admn. of testosterone propionate caused the diffuse sudanophilia to appear. Phospholipid was observed in the secretory granules. Following gonadectomy a marked reduction in phospholipid reaction was observed, due to the disappearance of the granules. A marked increase in the granules and associated phospholipid reaction followed hormone replacement.