Five New Species of Gyrodactylus (Trematoda: Monogenea) from the Southeastern U.S.

Five new species of Gyrodactylus are described from freshwater fishes of the Southeastern U.S.; G. etheostomae from Etheostoma radiosum (Hubbs and Black), G. hoffmani from Pimephales promelas Rafinesque, G. megacanthus from Fundulus olivaceous (Storer), G. beacanthus from Notropis venustus (Girard), and G. viriosus from Hypentelium etowanum (Jordan). Gyrodactylus megacanthus is also reported from Fundulus notti (Agassiz) and G. viriosus from Hypentelium nigricans (LeSueur). Fish hosts were collected from Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and North Carolina.