We have consistently interpreted the C KVV Auger line shapes of five hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, cyclohexane, benzene, and ethylene) and compared the results with those previously reported for three different solids (polyethylene, diamond, and graphite). We show that an interpretation procedure normally used for solids, namely, a self‐fold of the one‐electron DOS and incorporation of hole–hole correlation effects utilizing the Cini expression, is also adequate for molecules, and thus direct comparison of the gas phase and solid phase results is possible. In contrast to the solids, the normal kvv line shape accounts for only about half of the total experimental intensity for the gas phase molecules. The remaining part of the experimental line shape can be attributed to three different satellite contributions; namely resonant excitation (kevve), initial‐state–shake (kvvvv), and final‐state–shake (kvvv) satellites. The normal kvv Auger line shapes are seen to reflect delocalized holes, however correlation effects are evident. In contrast, the three‐hole final state of the kvvvv process reflects holes localized primarily on a single methyl group. The results indicate that long range polarization effects are not important in the extended solids; short range π electron screening is important in the alkenes and in graphite.

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