Characteristics of Subjects with Chronic Pain, in Relation to Local and Widespread Pain Report: A prospective study of symptoms, clinical findings and blood tests in subgroups of a geographically defined population

The relation between reported chronic pain and clinical findings was studied by comparing survey data six months before and eighteen months after a clinical examination. Studied individuals (n= 165) were randomly selected from subsamples of an initial survey (n= 1806) to a general population. Among individuals reporting chronic pain 85% were assessed to have chronic pain at the examination. Diagnoses were found in 22% of examined pain individuals. Myofascial pain syndrome and myalgia were the most common findings. Compared with located neck-shoulder pain, widespread pain had a greater impact on the individual, a worse prognosis regarding pain duration and working capacity, and revealed a raised serum urate level of unclear significance. Although no specific cause of pain is found in individuals with widespread pain it is important to identify and treat this group due to the great effects on functional capacity and the worse prognosis.