Similar Lethal Effect in Mammalian Cells for Two Radioisotopes of Copper with Different Decay Schemes,64Cu and67Cu

The decays of 64Cu incorporated in human malignant (A549) or monkey non-malignant (CVI) cells lead to cell death. When plotted as a function of the radioactivity introduced in the growth medium (µCi/ml at t = 0), the residual colony-forming capability decreases exponentially. The slope of the corresponding curve is steeper for A549 than for CV1 cells. Different data show that the cellular lethal event is a consequence of 64Cu transmutation and not of the irradiation by the simultaneously emitted β and β+ particles. Liquid holding results show that the lethal event is irreparable. The decays of 67Cu, another radioisotope of copper, lead to cell death with the same exponential survival curve and the same lethal efficiency as for 64Cu, in spite of their different decay schemes. The lethal efficiency of both copper isotopes is close to that of 125I utilized in the form of iododeoxyuridine under the same experimental conditions as 64Cu and 67Cu. The high lethal efficiency of radioactive copper transmutations raises questions about the role in DNA functioning of copper atoms known to be present in trace amounts in this macromolecule. The lethal consequence of radioactive copper transmutations suggests that the copper atoms bound to DNA are essential for cellular functioning.