Interaction of DDT with the Components of Lobster Nerve Membrane Conductance

The falling phase of action potential of lobster giant axons is markedly prolonged by treatment with DDT, and a plateau phase appears as in cardiac action potentials. Repetitive afterdischarge is very often superimposed on the plateau. Voltage-clamp experiments with the axons treated with DDT and with DDT plus tetrodotoxin or sax-itoxin have revealed the following DDT markedly slows the turning-off process of peak transient current and suppresses the steady-state current. The falling phase of the peak transient current in the DDT-poisoned axon is no longer expressed by a single exponential function as in normal axons, but by 2 or more exponential functions with much longer time constants. The maximum peak transient conductance is not significantly affected by DDT. DDT did not induce a shift of the curve relating the peak transient conductance to membrane potential along the potential axis. The time to peak transient current and the time for the steady-state current to reach its half-maximum are prolonged by DDT to a small extent. The finding that, under the influence of DDT, the steady-state current starts flowing while the peak transient current is partially maintained supports the hypothesis of 2 operationally separate ion channels in the nerve membrane.