Statistical mechanics of linear molecules. VII. Application of ``blip function'' theory to dense fluids

The ``blip function'' theory proposed by Andersen, Weeks, and Chandler for the calculation of radial distribution functions and thermodynamic properties of dense fluids is written in a form which yields explicit expressions for both the angular and the radial correlations of a dense fluid of linear molecules. This approximation is compared with a variety of correlation functions obtained by numerically solving the extended Percus‐Yevick equation for nonspherical molecules. It is found that agreement is generally good at high densities, but worsens at lower densities because of the omission of the effects of attractive interactions in the blip function theory. It is noted that the H.T.A. approximation has certain implications concerning an extension of the theorem of corresponding states which should be applicable to nonspherical as well as spherical molecules. Tests of the extended theorem indicate that it will be necessary to include attractive interactions if this approach is to be useful in a quantitative way.