Lipids containing isoricinoleoyl (9‐hydroxy‐cis‐12‐octadecenoyl) moieties in seeds ofWrightia species

Composition of lipids in mature seeds ofWrightia tinctoria andWrightia coccinea, which contain large proportions of isoricinoleic acid (9‐hydroxy‐cis‐12‐octadecenoic acid) as constituent fatty acid beside the common long chain fatty acids, is reported. The major classes of acyl lipids in the seeds of the twoWrightia species, identified by chromatographic and mass spectrometric analyses, are found to be triisoricinoleoylglycerol and diisoricinoleoylacylglycerols. Phospholipids and glycolipids contain only small proportions of isoricinoleoyl moieties. Among two possible precursors for the biosynthesis of isoricinoleic acid, 9‐hydroxystearic acid, but notcis‐12‐octadecenoic acid, is detectable in the seed lipids.