Propeller EPI in the other direction

A new propeller EPI pulse sequence with reduced sensitivity to field inhomogeneities is proposed. Image artifacts such as blurring due to Nyquist ghosting and susceptibility gradients are investigated and compared with those obtained in previous propeller EPI studies. The proposed propeller EPI sequence uses a readout that is played out along the short axis of the propeller blade, orthogonal to the readout used in previous propeller methods. In contrast to long‐axis readout propeller EPI, this causes the echo spacing between two consecutive phase‐encoding (PE) lines to decrease, which in turn increases the k‐space velocity in this direction and hence the pseudo‐bandwidth. Long‐ and short‐axis propeller EPI, and standard single‐shot EPI sequences were compared on phantoms and a healthy volunteer. Diffusion‐weighted imaging (DWI) was also performed on the volunteer. Short‐axis propeller EPI produced considerably fewer image artifacts compared to the other two sequences. Further, the oblique blades for the long‐axis propeller EPI were also prone to one order of magnitude higher residual ghosting than the proposed short‐axis propeller EPI. Magn Reson Med, 2006.