Inclusive electroproduction from protons and deuterons

We present results on the inclusive distributions of final-state hadrons created in deep-inelastic electron scattering from protons and deuterons. Data were taken from all portions of the kinematic range simultaneously in an apparatus which had equal detection efficiency for both charge signs. A subset of the produced hadrons were identified with a threshold-type Čerenkov counter. We find that the charge ratio h+h is a strong function of Q2, xF, and pT2, with little dependence on s. The ratio of production of h from deuterium to that from hydrogen as a function of φ is flat. The invariant cross section for each charge sign and each target exhibits the seagull effect (a correlation in pT and xF). The value of pT for data in the range 0.4<xF<0.85 increases slightly as Q2 increases. The exponential dropoff in pT for production of protons and kaons is similar to that for pions. The dropoff in xF for production of pions shows a definite dependence on Q2, but this effect is largely caused by the decay products of the exclusive ρ0 final state. Finally, f(xF) for π+, π, K+, K, p, and p¯ is presented for each target type.